Bowling Section AGM/Presentation Monday November 14th 7:30pm Agenda Attached

Our AGM is scheduled for Monday 14th November at 7:30 and everyone is encouraged to attend.

The AGM will be followed by our annual trophy presentation followed by free hotpot or Cheese & Onion Pie

The Agenda for the AGM is attached below courtesy of Ian Court



The AGM of the Bowling Section will take place on

Monday 14th November 2022 at 7:30pm

  1. Chairman to open the meeting
  1. Apologies
  1. Minutes of previous AGM – matters arising
  1. Ladies report
  1. Treasurer’s report
  1. Secretary’s report
  1. Election of officials and team captains
  1. Teams for 2023
  1. Bowling Green report
  1. Communication
  1. Competitions
  1. Format
  2. Catering
  1. Notices of motion
  1. Players team fees
  2. Tea and coffee charges
  1. Closure of meeting

Ian Court

Norbreck Bowling Secretary