Our AGM is scheduled for Monday 14th November at 7:30 and everyone is encouraged to attend.
The AGM will be followed by our annual trophy presentation followed by free hotpot or Cheese & Onion Pie
The Agenda for the AGM is attached below courtesy of Ian Court
The AGM of the Bowling Section will take place on
Monday 14th November 2022 at 7:30pm
- Chairman to open the meeting
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous AGM – matters arising
- Ladies report
- Treasurer’s report
- Secretary’s report
- Election of officials and team captains
- Teams for 2023
- Bowling Green report
- Communication
- Competitions
- Format
- Catering
- Notices of motion
- Players team fees
- Tea and coffee charges
- Closure of meeting
Ian Court
Norbreck Bowling Secretary