Club Rules published July 23rd 2024
These are now the difinitive club rules as issued by The Executive Comittee on the above date. Please note that these rules supercede any previous paper copies held by members which are dated prior to the above date.
1. The Club shall be called “Norbreck Bowling and Tennis Club.”
2. The objectives of the Club are to provide facilities for recreation and social amenities.
3. The Club shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of;
• A President
• A President Elect
• A Financial Secretary
• An Assistant Financial Secretary
• Nine Other members
Three of the nine other members shall retire annually, the order of retirement to be of seniority of service on the Committee.
The appointment of a Financial Secretary shall be made by the Executive Committee and the person appointed shall remain in office until their employment is terminated by either employer or employee. The Executive Committee shall fix the salary or wage to be paid.
The Assistant Financial Secretary shall be elected annually.
The President shall serve for a term of office not exceeding two years, and on vacating office the President-Elect shall become President.
All retiring Committee members are eligible for re-election as President-Elect (when this office is vacant), as Assistant Financial Secretary, or ordinary Committee member.
The Executive Committee shall elect a member of that Committee to act as Chairman.
The Executive Committee shall have power at their discretion to fill any vacancy that may arise, until the next Annual General Meeting.
4. The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually when the balance sheet and Secretary’s report shall be read.
At least 28 days notice of a general meeting shall be given by means of notice in the Club.
Any member wishing to raise an item of business at the Annual General Meeting must give fourteen days notice in writing to the Secretary specifying the exact wording of the proposal they wish to raise or put to the meeting.
No item not on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting can be raised at the meeting.
The nomination list for Officers and Executive Committee shall be placed on the notice board for at least 28 days before, and close 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.
The election of Officers and Committee members shall be by ballot.
Three Scrutineers shall be appointed for the counting of voting papers.
The results of such a ballot shall be declared by the Chairman, who will state the number of votes cast for each candidate.
5. All Officers and Committee members (with the exception of the Financial Secretary) must be proposed and seconded by a Full Sports paid member and be a Full Sports paid member themselves.
The consent of the nominee must first be obtained.
Members being proposed for Executive Committee must have two years Full Sports paid membership prior to election.
6. The Executive Committee shall meet on a Monthly basis at 8:00pm, or when considered necessary and desirable. Six shall form a quorum.
7. Any member of the Executive Committee being absent for four consecutive meetings shall, unless a written explanation for absence is sent which is deemed satisfactory by the Executive Committee, cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.
Anyone who resigns from the Executive Committee without a valid reason could be disallowed from standing for re-election, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, for a period of two years.
8. A list of Officers and Committee members shall be placed in a prominent position in the Club. A list of members of the Club shall be available at all times.
9. Sub Committees may be formed when necessary. Such Sub Committees may elect their own Chairman and Officers but persons so elected shall not be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
Sub Committee Chairman shall have access to the Executive Committee on any matter relative to their Sub Committee.
The minutes of all Sub Committees must be presented to the Executive Committee as soon as possible.
No decisions affecting the general policy of the Club shall be implemented without the prior permission of the Executive Committee and no Club funds shall be committed without Executive Committee permission.
The Membership Committee and Bars Committee (under present Licensing Laws) shall be appointed by Executive Committee from Committee members only.
10.The Executive Committee shall have full power to enter into any tenancy or other agreements that in their opinion would be for the ultimate benefit of the Club.
They shall have full power to undertake and enter into all such trading and financial agreements and arrangements that in their opinion are necessary for the operation of the Club’s activities.
If for any reason whatsoever the Club’s funds and assets become insufficient to meet the Club’s normal debts and liabilities then the liability for such debts and liabilities shall fall equally on all qualifying members.
Qualifying Members for the responsibility of debts and liabilities, or distribution of surplus assets, are defined as Full Sports and Honorary Members who have held such memberships for the five (5) years prior to the Club becoming insolvent.
11. The Executive Committee shall have power to erase or suspend from the list of members of the Club any member whose conduct shall be deemed objectionable or who wilfully violates any of the rules or regulations of the Club.
If any member or their guest’s behaviour, is deemed to be objectionable or offensive, to any other person within the confines of the Club premises or grounds, and such behaviour is witnessed as objectionable or offensive by two Executive Committee members, the offender/s shall be asked to leave the Clubs confines immediately by them. They shall not re-enter the Club until they have been invited to do so, in writing, by the Executive Committee. This shall be to attend the next Executive Committee meeting.
Any person refusing to leave when so requested, at that time shall be excluded from the Club for minimum period of one month from the date of the meeting, irrespective of the Committee’s decision with regard to the initial complaint.
No person who has been suspended or expelled from the Club may enter the Club premises as a guest of an existing member.
12. The Executive Committee shall have power to create or rescind entrance fees to new members and also limit the number of members if they deem it necessary.
13. The Executive Committee shall have the power to elect Honorary Members.
14. The Executive Committee shall have at all time’s discretionary power to refuse or regulate the admission of visitors and temporary members to the Club.
15. The Executive Committee shall at all times have power to levy an admission charge to participate or attend special functions, or on special occasions, on members and visitors.
16. The Executive committee shall have the power to make any by-laws regarding the conditions of play in indoor or outdoor games; or regarding any matter not provided for in these rules.
17. Prospective Members shall be proposed and seconded by Full Sports paid member and submitted to the Membership Committee who shall have full power to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
18. The current entrance fee and subscription shall be paid in full to the Financial Secretary. In the event of the proposed member not being accepted the entrance fee and subscription paid would be refunded in full.
19. Junior membership is restricted to members children twelve years of age and under eighteen years of age. Junior members shall not have any voting power at the club’s general meetings nor shall have any powers in the management of the club, or be permitted to introduce any non-members to the clubhouse. Junior members are entitled to play pool, snooker, tennis and bowls under the supervision of a Full sports member who is a competent player and enter tournaments and competitions run by the club at the discretion of the respective sub-sections subject to ratification and approval by the executive committee.
Children under the age of 16 must be supervised by a parent or guardian whilst on club premises, they will be responsible for the behavior of their children whilst on the premises. The immediate area around the snooker tables is out of bounds unless junior members playing under supervision.
Members children under 12 years of age wishing to play tennis or bowls must be a badge holder (fee as agreed) and will be subject to the by-laws agreed by the respective sub sections as ratified and approved by the executive committee
Children under the age of 12 are not subject to the signing in rule as defined in rule 25.
20.Temporary membership is available on application to the Membership Committee. Restricted to three periods of two weeks in any club year. Acceptance of applications for temporary membership is subject such restrictions on availability as may be currently in force.
21.Temporary members will not be entitled to enter any handicaps or competitions. Temporary members will not have any power in management of the club nor any voting power in connection therewith. They shall not have any claim to Club funds or assets nor any liability for Club debts entitled
22. Country Membership is available at the discretion of the Executive committee. Country members have the same right and responsibilities and liabilities as full Club Members.
23. The annual subscription shall be increased annually at the rate of inflation determined by HMGOV retail price index (RPI) for all membership types. The incorporation of the RPI will be at the discretion of the executive committee and/or at an AGM or EGM.
24. All subscriptions are due on 1st April annually.
If a member shall fail to pay such subscriptions within twenty-eight days of the due date, they shall be considered to be in arrears.
If the sum is not paid by the 31st May the Executive Committee shall have power to terminate their membership.
25.A Member introducing a visitor shall on every occasion enter the name of the visitor and their own name in the book provided. They shall be responsible for their guest’s behavior whilst on Club premises.
No person shall be introduced as a visitor more than six times in any period between 1st April and the following 31st March (i.e. the Club financial year.)
No Member shall introduce more than two visitors on any one occasion. However, exceptionally the Executive Committee can give permission to a member to sign in several non-members. This can only occur when a member applies in writing to the Executive committee to hold a special event in the Club, at least one month prior to the event giving the approximate numbers of non-members expecting to attend. If granted by the Executive Committee a final list of non-members should be submitted to the Executive Committee two weeks prior to the event. The member applying will be responsible for non-members conduct at all times whilst on Club premises.
26. The Club shall be allowed to sell excisable goods to members, and their guests. Bona-fide visitors include any visiting team members taking part in organised games or competitions arranged by or organised by the club. These Bona-fide visitors can purchase excisable goods.
27.No person under the age of 18 is allowed to purchase alcohol or have it purchased for them on club premises. Only alcohol purchased on the premises is to be consumed on the premises.
28. No illegal betting, gambling or gaming is allowed in any part of the Club.
29. Dogs shall not be permitted within the Club grounds unless under control and properly secured, nor in the Clubhouse under any circumstances with the exception of Guide Dogs.
30. Any complaint regarding the conduct of employees or officials of the club must be made in writing to the executive committee, verbal complaints will not be actioned.
31. A Special General Meeting must be called upon the signed request of not less than thirty full members.
Such request must state the object of the meeting and the business to be discussed and no other business can be discussed.
The Secretary shall call the meeting within fourteen days of receiving the request and notice of the meeting is to be given by a notice in the Club.
32. The Executive Committee shall have power to call a Special General Meeting whenever they think necessary.
Seven days’ notice of the meeting is to be given by means of a notice in the Club and the notice must specify the business to be discussed at the meeting.
No other business can be discussed at the meeting.
33. The Executive Committee shall fix the hours during which intoxicating liquors may be supplied and consumed; such hours or such extended or special hours as may be permitted by the relating Licensing Authorities.
34. Alterations of, and additions to, these rules shall only be made at an Annual or Special General Meeting of members.
Equality and Diversity Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone at Norbreck Bowling & Tennis Club ( NB&TC ) are treated fairly and with respect and ensure employees, members, non-members and visitors are not denied access to employment and our facilities because of a discriminatory reason. All people irrespective of their Protected Characteristics either, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion or sexual orientation have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in all activities, both sporting and social at NB&TC.
This policy is fully supported by the Executive Committee, who are responsible for the implementation and review of this policy. Therefore we will adhere to the following:
a) Take responsibility for setting and upholding standards and values that apply throughout the bowls, tennis, snooker, golf and all other activities at every level, so that they may be enjoyed by everyone who wants to participate.
b) Demonstrate a commitment to eliminating discrimination by reason of age, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, ability or disability and to encourage equal opportunities and an inclusive welcoming environment.
c) Ensure that employees, members, non-members and visiting teams are treated fairly, with respect and to ensure that all members of the community regardless of their ability have access to and opportunities to take part in, and enjoy its programmes of activities, competitions and events.
d) Oppose all forms of harassment, bullying or abuse towards an individual or group whether it is physical, verbal or online that is based on any of the characteristics listed above or for any other reason. Any incidents of this or a similar nature will be treated seriously and subjected to the appropriate disciplinary process.
e) Ensure there is an immediate investigation of any complaints of discrimination on the above grounds, once they are brought to the attention of the tennis venue. Complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the complaints policy and, where such a complaint is upheld, the management committee may impose such sanctions as it considers appropriate and proportionate to the discriminatory behaviour.
f) Promote a culture that encourages the learning and development of coaches and volunteers in order to achieve greater diversity and inclusion. Support, promote and enforce the relevant values of all governing bodies e.g. LTA/Tennis Foundation Fair Play Values.
g) Be committed to, and deliver a policy of fair and equitable treatment for all members and employees and require all members, employees and volunteers. To abide by, and adhere to the policies and the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 as well as any amendments to this Act or any new equality legislation.
h) Be committed and take action to create an inclusive environment that is welcoming and seeks to improve representation across all groups and participation in all aspects of the club.
Lodging a Complaint
In the event that any member, volunteer, visitor or visiting team feels that he, she or they have suffered discrimination or harassment in any way or that the policies, rules or code of conduct have been broken they should follow the procedures below.
- The complainant should report the matter in writing to the Secretary or another member of the NB&TC Executive Committee. The report should include:
a) details of what occurred;
b) details of when and where the occurrence took place;
c) any witness details and copies of any witness statements;
d) names of any others who have been treated in a similar way (provided that those people consent to their names being disclosed);
e) details of any former complaints made about the incident, including the date and to whom such complaint was made; and
f) an indication as to the desired outcome.
2. If the person accused of discriminatory behaviour is an employee, the Executive Committee will regard the incident as a disciplinary issue and will follow any disciplinary procedure set out for employees or (if none exists) the statutory disciplinary procedure.
3. If the person accused of discriminatory behaviour is a non-employee the Executive Committee:
3.1 will request that both parties to the complaint submit written evidence regarding the incident(s);
3.2 may decide (at its sole discretion) after reviewing the complaint and supporting evidence to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hearing;
3.3 may (at its sole discretion) hold a hearing (whether or not such a hearing is requested by either party) at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case;
3.4 will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person found to be in breach of any policy, (including the Equality Policy):
a) warn as to future conduct;
b) suspend from membership;
c) remove from membership;
d) exclude a non-member from the facility, either temporarily or permanently; and
e) turn down a non-member’s current and/or future membership applications.
3.5 will provide both parties with written reasons for its decision to uphold or dismiss the complaint within one (1) calendar month of such decision being made.
3.6 Either party may appeal a decision of the Executive Committee to an appropriate County Organisation (including a decision not to hold a hearing) by writing to the [County Secretary] within 3 months of the Place to Play’s decision being notified to that party.
4. If the nature of the complaint is with regard to the NB&TC Executive Committee the member/visitor has the right to report the discrimination or harassment directly to an appropriate governing body e.g. Lancashire County Tennis Association, (including a decision not to hold a hearing) by writing to the body within 3 months of the decision being notified to that party.